影像工作者陳玟樺 Zola Chen,以潛水或自由潛水方式,捕捉海洋生物的美麗,持續紀錄海洋生態影像。原先是多媒體的藝術總監,也是個人接案的多媒體PM、舉辦過兩次畫展也創作金工設計,自從2009接觸了潛水,開始橫槓的拍攝水中攝影,近從2015年至今,在湯加王國vava'u 群島拍攝的水下大翅鯨藝術創作。其他鯨豚水中影像從斯里蘭卡,新西蘭,南非和日本、東帝汶、挪威...等,捕捉鯨豚影像與紀錄影片。也榮幸在2021年獲選The Phoblographer 2021年度女性攝影師。
除了水中攝影的紀錄外,也是黑潮海洋文教基金會的鯨豚調查攝影師,以與其他專案拍攝水下攝影,也從事其他海洋相攝影。 與生物學家緊密合作,合作項目例如台灣東沙島的檸檬鯊研究水下攝影,台灣東部鯨魚的調查和,並為黑潮海洋問叫基金會擔任20週年島航的隨船攝影師以及拍攝全世界最不為人知的巨口鯊Megamouth Shark紀錄片計劃.標放、漁法紀錄、在台灣標放旗魚、各種鯊魚、海龜等等。
最喜歡的拍攝內容是什麼?理當是鯨豚吧,即便是不下水的鯨豚調查,依然令我著迷~下水拍攝更認識海洋生物,珊瑚礁、水下微距生物、大型哺乳類動物、各種鯊魚、魟魚、海龜....之外,也紀錄人跟環境與生物互動的當下,這些影像都是有故事的。致力於拍攝海洋生物的影像,海洋人文環,以及協助紀錄片的拍攝,並舉辦講座,期待非同溫層的人們梗了解海洋,有講座邀約、展覽等等,不定期舉辦講座分享想這十多年來的拍攝經驗。 海洋龐大而脆弱,至關重要的是要竭盡所能保護它,希望能傳達珍更多的經驗讓大家重視海洋~
除了水中攝影的紀錄外,也是黑潮海洋文教基金會的鯨豚調查攝影師,以與其他專案拍攝水下攝影,也從事其他海洋相攝影。 與生物學家緊密合作,合作項目例如台灣東沙島的檸檬鯊研究水下攝影,台灣東部鯨魚的調查和,並為黑潮海洋問叫基金會擔任20週年島航的隨船攝影師以及拍攝全世界最不為人知的巨口鯊Megamouth Shark紀錄片計劃.標放、漁法紀錄、在台灣標放旗魚、各種鯊魚、海龜等等。
最喜歡的拍攝內容是什麼?理當是鯨豚吧,即便是不下水的鯨豚調查,依然令我著迷~下水拍攝更認識海洋生物,珊瑚礁、水下微距生物、大型哺乳類動物、各種鯊魚、魟魚、海龜....之外,也紀錄人跟環境與生物互動的當下,這些影像都是有故事的。致力於拍攝海洋生物的影像,海洋人文環,以及協助紀錄片的拍攝,並舉辦講座,期待非同溫層的人們梗了解海洋,有講座邀約、展覽等等,不定期舉辦講座分享想這十多年來的拍攝經驗。 海洋龐大而脆弱,至關重要的是要竭盡所能保護它,希望能傳達珍更多的經驗讓大家重視海洋~
鯨魚共游並捕捉驚嘆的影像,是我最喜歡的工作之一中。 也非常的辛苦,創作需要持久等待,每年到湯加近一個月,每天6-8個小時的時間在海上尋找鯨魚,有時甚至在海上度過一整天,而沒有發現任何跡象,或者出海是淒風苦雨的一天。長時間的搜尋並觀察是否適合下水,出海時間很長,真正在海裡的時間我想一天連半小時都不到,不見得每天都有好的影像出現,是個長期而艱辛卻又欣喜的創作。
My name is Wen Hua Chen, but everyone calls me Zola Chen. I am a passionate admirer of art and photography that captures the beauty of marine life. My particular fascination lies with whales, which has taken me to various locations, such as Tonga, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, South Africa, and Japan,2023 to Timor-leste flim Blua Whale and Sperm Whales to capture stunning images of these magnificent creatures.
Photography for me is not just a job, but a way of life. I am always dedicated to capturing the beauty of the natural world and the realities of human life. From majestic mountains to enchanting coastlines, I strive to blend natural landscapes and human stories through my lens. Through my photography, I aim to showcase the wonders of this diverse planet to the world. I believe in the power of photography to open people's eyes and inspire them to care for the environment and cultural diversity. Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to sharing my photographic journey with you."
Photography for me is not just a job, but a way of life. I am always dedicated to capturing the beauty of the natural world and the realities of human life. From majestic mountains to enchanting coastlines, I strive to blend natural landscapes and human stories through my lens. Through my photography, I aim to showcase the wonders of this diverse planet to the world. I believe in the power of photography to open people's eyes and inspire them to care for the environment and cultural diversity. Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to sharing my photographic journey with you."
One of my most significant series of works is "Floating Together," which is my art creation of Humpback whales underwater in the Kingdom of Tonga Vava'u from 2015-2022. Humpback whales are named after their long pectoral fin and can grow up to 11 to 16 meters long, with newborn calves measuring 3 to 6 meters. They reproduce and give birth in tropical regions, migrating from the distant Antarctic to the warm waters from July-October to nurture their young before returning to the Antarctic for food. During this period, adult whales do not seek food, and only calves can drink their mother's milk.
The ocean surrounding Vava’u, the Kingdom of Tonga, is a place to search whales , jumping into the "Whale Soup." It's an addiction I've never been able to quit, and an experience many people long to have. The direct face-to-face visual experience is incredibly shocking, and to capture the perfect shot, one needs physical strength, willpower, and a little bit of luck. The moments when you hang out with the whales and capture stunning images are some of the most beautiful in my series of works. It requires persistence, and I spend almost a month in Tonga each time, 6-8 hours a day searching for whales, sometimes spending an entire day at sea without finding any, or facing miserable wind and rain.
My focus is not limited to photographing whales alone, as I also engage in other ocean projects. Working closely with biologists, I have participated in various collaboration projects such as the Lemon Shark Research Project in Dongsha Island, Taiwan, the survey and underwater photography of whales in eastern Taiwan, and contributed to the Black Tide Navigation Project and the Megamouth Shark Documentary Program.
I am committed to using my work to capture stunning images of the magnificent creatures of the ocean and to inspire those around me to cherish and protect marine life. The ocean is vast and fragile, and it is essential to do what we can to preserve and protect it for future generations.